Cambridge IGCSE and A-levels

5 Steps Academy is a Cambridge International School and authorized test centre. Our students can sit for IGCSE and A-level tests right on campus. However, students from other schools may register as private candidates.

We don’t accept private candidates this year, we administer exams only for 5 Steps Academy students.

Cambridge IGCSE and then A-level exams are two important steps to undergraduate university education and the world’s most popular international qualifications. Normally, candidates choose at least five IGCSE subjects and three A-level subjects. In addition, there is an option to pursue Cambridge ICE and Cambridge AICE. Diploma.

Only students who are in Grade 9 and above can register for Cambridge IGCSE exams, and only students who are in Grade 11 and above can register for Cambridge A-level exams.

To apply, please fill out the online Registration Form below. We will process your application within 24 hours and email you the Unconfirmed Statement of Entry for your final confirmation. Please check carefully that the information in the Statement of Entry is accurate and reply to our email with your confirmation. After that, you can proceed with the exam fee payment.

The Cambridge IGCSE exam fees: $380 per subject (subject to GST, non-refundable).

The Cambridge AS or A2 exam fees: $380 per subject (subject to GST, non-refundable).

The Cambridge A-level exam fees (include both AS and A2 components): $520 per subject (subject to GST, non-refundable).

We don’t charge admission or account registration fees.

Please use a Payment option convenient for you.

Once we receive your confirmation and payment, your registration will be finalized. You will receive the completed version of the Statement of Entry from Cambridge Assessment International Education within 2 working days.

Please explore the Exam Timetable series with subjects and components.

Please ensure that your choice of subjects doesn’t contain any disallowed combinations. For example, you cannot simultaneously take the First Language English and the English as a Second Language exams.

To register, please complete the appropriate Registration Form. Please make sure you read and fully understand T&C stated in the form.

For IGCSE: IGCSE Registration Form.

For A-level, AS level or A2 level: A-level Registration Form.

Registration deadlines:

May-June Exam seriesFebruary 16
October-November seriesAugust 16

As you can see from the timetable, we provide only Extended options for subjects with both Core and Extended options. Again, this is to ensure that candidates have the opportunity to achieve the highest possible marks.

Once we receive your registration form, we will send you your Statement of Entry with your exam dates. AM means 9 am; PM means 1 pm.

To prepare for the exams, please remember two main rules: Plan and Play.

  1. Plan your revision. Design your revision timetable.
  2. Play with information: practice questions, keep notes, restate the key ideas in your own words, and write them down. Do not rely on just reading without processing the information in writing, drawing charts, creating tables and lists, etc.

We strongly recommend adopting the 5 Steps Notes System as a proven tool to master any syllabus in the fastest possible way with the highest retention rate.

Please study Syllabuses and Learner Guides for the most popular Cambridge IGCSE and AS & A level subjects to find out what Cambridge will expect in to see in your answers and how to prepare for the exams effectively.

On exam day, plan to arrive around 30 minutes before the start of the exam. To bring:

  • Identification Document you provided in the Registration Form
  • Statement of Entry
  • pens and pencils (in a transparent pencil case)
  • scientific calculator
  • any extra equipment needed for your subject (please check the subject syllabus)

No mobile phones or other electronic devices (except those mentioned as required in the exam syllabus) are allowed in exam rooms. Unauthorized use of electronic devices will automatically lead to canceling your exam with no refund. Please read the important information about the security of our exams.

During the test, take three deep, slow breaths. Move on to the next question if you don’t know how to answer. If you have free time, check all your answers.

There are three stages to receive your results:

  1. Online using the Cambridge CandidateResults service – usually available two and half months after you finish your exams. We will send you your username and password.
  2. The Statement of Results is available for collection two weeks after the release of your online results.
  3. Certificates – ready for collection around two and a half months after the Statement of Results is released online.

You may re-sit for the exams as many times as you wish if you are not happy with your result. However, some universities can trace your records, and many resits may create a problem. Although most universities will require at least C, the top universities will consider only A and A*, which is perfectly achievable with proper preparation. So, start your preparation as early as possible. Today.

Please click School Fees and Academic Courses for more details.