5 Steps Care Program

Join Us in Making a Difference!

The 5 Steps Care program is an integral part of the 5 Steps Academy’s commitment to fostering awareness and action on local and global issues. This initiative not only allows our students to gain firsthand experience in community engagement and development but also opens opportunities for the general public to contribute to meaningful change. We believe in the power of community and collective effort to make the world a better place.

Our Projects

For the Global and Local Community

  • Splashes of Silence – An international project supporting refugees, providing them a platform to share their stories and experiences. Learn more and join at www.SplashesofSilence.com.
  • Story.sg – Dedicated to capturing and publishing inspiring stories of resilience from across Singapore. Get involved at www.story.sg.

For more information and to stay updated on the latest external projects and events, please visit our program’s dedicated website www.5steps.world.

Focused on Our School Community

  • Support Our Heroes – A heartfelt initiative to aid children within our community who are battling cancer.
  • Parent Care – Offering essential counseling and support to parents of our students, helping them navigate the challenges of parenting.
  • Student Support Program – Aimed at providing comprehensive support to our students through mentoring, tutoring, and emotional support.

Get Involved

Whether you are a student, a parent, or a faculty member, there are numerous ways to participate:

  • Join an Existing Project: Our ongoing projects are always looking for more hands and hearts. Visit the dedicated project pages on our website for more information on how you can contribute.
  • Initiate Your Own Project: Have an idea that can make a difference? We want to hear it! The 5 Steps Care program can provide the resources and support needed to bring your project to life.

Why Participate?

  • Educational Benefits: Students gain valuable experience and learn about real-world issues through active participation.
  • Personal Growth: Engaging in community service helps develop empathy, leadership skills, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Community Impact: Your involvement contributes directly to positive changes in our school community and beyond.

The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.

Bertrand Russell