Grade 7

We recognize that children at this age experience many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes.

Students in this age group normally:

– Face high expectations and feel unconfident,
– Easily influenced by peer groups,
– Feel stress from challenging school work.

On the bright side, children in this age group have more ability for complex thought and are also better able to express feelings verbally.

Our teachers not only act as their tutors but also as their mentors and counsellors. 5 Steps Academy adopts different teaching methods to cater to students’ character and personality. We provide a balanced education program within a happy and comfortable environment so that each child can learn and grow to their greatest potential.

Grade 7 Subjects

1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Physics
4. Biology
5. Chemistry
6. Geography
7. World History
8. Literature
9. Health
10. Foreign languages (Hindi, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian – optional)

All the subjects are included in the package, no extra or hidden fees.

Can my child join the school?

At 5 Steps Academy, there are no entry tests and/or examinations. Instead, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of new students within two weeks after their commandment date. The outcomes of the assignment include students’ abilities, memory, level of subject mastery, homework consistency, just to name a few, with teachers’ comments.

The initial and subsequent assessments outcomes are shared with parents in students’ personal progress files.

Proficiency in the English language is not required, we provide comprehensive and intensive ESL course.

Admissions are open year-round, students can start at any time of the year (everyone has his own learning plan, no issues) and complete the course at their own pace.

How are students assessed?

Each student’s achievements are continually assessed. Teachers use a variety of assessment techniques including testing knowledge and skills, observations, and portfolios of student’s work. Attitude, learning skills, social relationships, and effort are considered equally important when looking at the overall development of the child.

In 5 Steps Academy, teachers and parents work together closely through face-to-face conversation and text messages to discuss each student’s social and academic progress.

Grading Exams will be conducted only when the child is ready for the test (no stress). Students who pass the exams will then be promoted to the next grade, so advanced students can progress much faster than in traditional schools with big classes and lecturing way of teaching, and slow thinkers can master the course syllabus at their own pace, with as many revisions as needed and no frustration.

Intermediate (formative) assessment is conducted every 2-3 months to identify student’s individual gaps and shift the teaching and learning focus on closing the gaps in the most efficient way.

Students who passed their Grade 10 End of Year Examinations will sit for at least five Cambridge IGCSE exams and graduate with a Certificate of Completion. Students with high GPAs are allowed to continue their education with 5 Steps High School in Grades 11 and 12.

Scope of Study

5 Steps Grade 7 Syllabus. Please click here for Grade 7 main subjects Learning Outcomes. 

Delivery Mode

Face-to-face lessons

Commencement Date/Intakes


Student Contract Template and Course Fees

Click to see the Student Contract Template and the course fees in Schedules B and C of it.

Payment Mode

For more information on Payment Mode, please click here.
For further details, please call or text the School Admin Officer at 85234957 or email


10 months or depending on the student’s abilities and individual pace. The course duration can be increased on a case-by-case basis for students with special education needs. The maximum period allowed for a student to complete the course is 15 months. This is a full-time course. 

Opportunities for Further Education

This course provides excellent preparations for learners who wish to progress further and finally join the 5 Steps Academy Grade 8 course. Upon successful completion of Secondary/High School courses students will be eligible to sit for Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level (AS/A Level), or SAT and AP tests. 

Age: at least 11 years old

Academic Level: Grade 6 or Equivalent.

Assessment Methods

Quarterly Tests and Year-End Examinations for all subjects. 

Assessment Grading Criteria

Internal: Quarterly Tests, Year-End Examinations and Quarterly Assignments are marked according to 5 Steps Academy’s standard grading criteria

Expected Examination Results Release Date

Not more than 1 week after the final assessment.

Qualification Award

Certificate of Completion for Grade 7

Graduation Requirements

Pass the year-end examinations of the respective year to proceed to the following academic year

Note 1:International students who hold student passes must achieve at least 90% attendance rate (ICA Requirement).
Note 2:Any student (not only student pass holder) must not be absent for more than 7 consecutive days without valid reason (ICA Requirement).
Note 3:Students who do not require ICA’s student’s pass must achieve at least 80% attendance rate. Our school only accept medical certificates as proof for absenteeism. Any other documents should only be accepted on a case-by-case basis with full justification and be acceptable by ICA.

Not meeting the above requirements may lead to Student Pass cancelation and/or expulsion from the school.